Naturfoto: Costa Rica 2011

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 Lowland rainforest with lianas and epiphytic plants. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto
 Cloud forest/montane oak forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto

 Cloud forest/montane oak forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Cloud forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Cloud forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Epiphytes are everywhere in the cloud forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Cloud forest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Monochaetum sp. in montane oakforest. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Three-Toed Sloth, Bradypus variegatus. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Keel-billed Toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan, Ramphastos swainsonii. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Montezuma Oropendola, Psarocolius montezuma. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Squirrel Cuckoo, Piaya cayana. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Black Guan, Chamaepetes unicolor. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Crested Guan, Penelope purpurascens. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Magnificent Hummingbird, Eugenes fulgens. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Green Violet-Ear, Colibri thalassinus. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Passion Flower, Passiflora sp. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Red-Tailed Squirrel, Sciurus granatensis. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  White-Throated Capuchin Monkey, Cebus capucinus with stolen bowl of sugar. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Mantled Howler Monkey, Alouatta palliata. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto  Tree with giant roots, Ficus sp. ©Leif Bisschop-Larsen / Naturfoto
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